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My December - Linkin Park




扯远了,Linkin Park曾经是我很喜欢的一个乐队,现在也挺喜欢。Linkin Park到底是什么风格的乐队,很多地方定义成硬核金属?就像他们有张专辑一样,混合理论,恰巧这首歌也是出自这张专辑,整张专辑发行于2000年,风格很多,糅合了RAP、R&B、PUNK、POP等等风格。这张专辑也大卖2400万张,呃,里面没有我的,我是从度娘下载的。不得不说,这个乐队还是深深影响了那个时候正好处在青春叛逆期的一代花朵,特别是这张专辑,带给人们的不仅仅是震撼,也让人重新看待这几个游走在各种流派边缘的音乐人。虽然现在看起来,他们的MV啊什么多少有点城乡结合部的感觉。不过,就这样的制作水平也能让他们一夜成名,可以想见当时听众对LP的好评程度。

这首歌是Linkin Park不多见的清淡风格的,轻轻的键盘作为前奏,接着Bennington的声音慵懒的进入,就像歌词一样,这是我的十二月,一切都如此清晰。不得不说,那种故意留着小络腮胡的小白脸还是很有感觉的!


【My December】 - 【Linkin Park】

this is my december

this is my time of the year

this is my december

this is all so clear

this is my december

this is my snow covered home

this is my december

this is me alone

and i

just wish that i didn't feel

like there was something i missed

and i

take back all the things i said

to make you feel like that

and i

just wish that i didn't feel

like there was something i missed

and i

take back all the things that i said to you

and i'd give it all away

just to have somewhere to go to

give it all away

to have someome to come home to

this is my december

these are my snow covered dreams

this is me pretending

this is all i need

and i

just wish that i didn't feel

like there was something i missed

and i

take back all the things i said

to make you feel like that

and i

just wish that i didn't feel

like there was something i missed

and i

take back all the things that i said to you

and i'd give it all away

just to have somewhere to go to

give it all away

to have someone to come home to

this is my december

this is my time of the year

this is my december

this is all so clear

give it all away

just to have somewhere to go to

give it all away

to have someone to come home to

give it all away

just to have somewhere to go to

give it all away

to have someone to come home to
